Mayco Underglazes in Pints

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KMT1022 240 Volt Cone 10

Regular Price: $4,675.00


ESPECKLED Cone 5-6 stoneware

$0.80 Per Pound

Mayco Underglazes in Pints

Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes in Pints

Mayco’s Fundamentals® were developed by our ceramic engineer, manufactured under stringent QC standards, and tested by our staff artists for color consistency, usability, and performance on various clay bodies and firing temperatures.


Underglazes were the first product line Mayco produced in 1954 and continues to be a staple for many ceramic artists. Mayco Fundamentals® Underglazes are highly versatile – use for complete coverage or in design, apply to clay or bisque –  with a broad firing range of cone 06 to cone 10. Fundamentals® Underglazes serve equally well for the student making their first pinch pot and the clay artist creating works for a gallery.