Cortyard Art Glazes

There are no children categories of Cortyard Art Glazes.

KMT1022 240 Volt Cone 10

Regular Price: $4,675.00


ESPECKLED Cone 5-6 stoneware

$0.80 Per Pound

Cortyard Art Glazes

Courtyard Art Glazes

All products are discontinued, and are here for historical reference.

Duncan Courtyard Art Glazes Glazes for 06 Are all Discontinued and out of stock.

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These  unique, self-antiquing, lead-free matte glazes result in rich varied color with no two firings giving exactly the same results. Courtyard Art Glazes work well with Concepts  Underglazes for Majolica and Bisque. 

Use over and under Concepts underglazes for unusual effects.