Amaco Clay Rollers

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KMT1022 240 Volt Cone 10

Regular Price: $4,675.00


ESPECKLED Cone 5-6 stoneware

$0.80 Per Pound

Amaco Clay Rollers

Clay pattern rollers from Amaco  

Make a repeating design in clay slabs with these fun, long lasting rubber rollers.

Impress a design in a slab of clay, then use the slab to create a vase, or pitcher or mug. Use a glaze that emphasizes the texture.  Roll out a continuous design on a slab of clay with these new textured Clay Rollers and watch a plain slab become an instant work of art! Create tiles, vessels, or other works. 

The roller sleeves are 4" wide and come in SIX designs: Diamond , Bamboo , Koi Fish, Vine/Leaf, Tribal, and Pre-Columbian. Texture sleeves and handle are sold separately or in Class Packs (original 4 designs only). The roller sleeves are interchangeable on the handle so you can save storage space as well as money!