Glazes Cone 6

Pure Brilliance Clear Gallon Brushing

Regular Price: $40.50


ChoCoLate Clay, very dark, cone 5-6

$0.83 Per Pound

Glazes Cone 6

GLAZES Cone 5-6

General Use : Use  Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6.

Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions.

Move to Cone 5-6 firing for better durability than earthenware and energy savings over cone 10.

  • Laguna   Moroccan Sand in pints and dry, Mystics, Crackles, Crystals.
  • Spectrum Glazes from Canada, many bright colors that will surprise you.
  • Coyote,  New Brand, new colors ! Available in Pints, Gallons and DRY.
  • Duncan Renaissance Glazes
  • Mayco Stoneware Glazes   
  • Amaco has its own category