Matt and Crawl Glazes

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KMT1022 240 Volt Cone 10

Regular Price: $4,675.00


ESPECKLED Cone 5-6 stoneware

$0.80 Per Pound

Matt and Crawl Glazes

Matt Glazes 

Our Matt glazes are a favorite series for sculptors everywhere. They provide a strong color tone and nice variety without a glossy finish. They are very stable and reliable, almost never running or behaving unexpectedly.


Crawl Glazes

Perfect for potters looking for something unusual, our Crawl glazes have a tree-bark surface that's rough and dry to the touch.  To achieve the crawling effect, they must be applied very thick, until the dry surface of the glaze cracks before firing.  They can also be used over underglazes.

Photo:Carrie Anspach White_Crawl_inside_Cactus_Crawl_