PMC3 Silver Clay

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KMT1022 240 Volt Cone 10

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ESPECKLED Cone 5-6 stoneware

$0.67 Per Pound

PMC3 Silver Clay

Sorry PMC silver-clay is no longer available. Yes they pulled the plug!

Art Clay Silver is in stock, less expensive and Art Clay is the OG precious metal clay

 What was the Difference?

Precious Metal Clay is now available In  different versions called  PMC3.  Each is sold in the form of a lump, and PMC3 is also sold as syringe, paste. Art Clay also is available in three versions, Art Clay, Art Clay Slow Dry, and ArtClay650. Here are a few frequently asked questions about the full range of PMC products. 

* Why six products? Do I need all 6?

Each version has its unique benefits: 

PMC Original has ideal workability and a relatively high shrinkage that allows wonderful detail.

PMC+ , Art Clay and Art Clay Slow Dry fire very quickly and result in a dense and durable material. they also allow for firing at three different temperatures. the lowest of which allows including glass and some gems that cant be fired hotter.

PMC3 and ArtClay fire at an even lower temperature (1110 F and 1200 for artclay650) which allows sterling and stainless findings to be imbedded. Alternative, low tech firing devices become possible like stove top firing.

 Not every artist will need all three versions. Some people find a preference and stick with it, while others use different materials depending on the nature of their work.

 How do they do It? In the end is it all silver?

 Yes, all three versions yield the same metal, 100% silver. The difference is not in the ingredients but in the shape of the particles. Original PMC is made with flake‑like particles that allow room for the binder, which gives the material its workability. PMC+ is made with a particle with more neatly defined edges. This allows for quicker fusing and a denser material. Notice that the spaces between particles are smaller ‑ this will result in more durable jewelry. The newest member of the team, PMC3, uses particles that are even smaller than the silver dust used in the other versions. The denser packing allows this material to fuse at a lower temperature.

 Practical Comparisons

Everyone's experience will differ and there is no substitute for your own experimentation. Here Is the relevant information side by side. along with some general recommendations. The choice of which version of PMC to use will be determined by your work habits, the firing equipment available and the time available.

For maximum strength Fire at 1650F for two hours.

the above Information is from the PMC Guild and Art clay world.