Phase Glaze

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KMT1022 240 Volt Cone 10

Regular Price: $4,645.00


ESPECKLED Cone 5-6 stoneware

$0.86 Per Pound

Phase Glaze

Phase Glaze is a new series highlighting phase separation

Cone 5-6 opaque brushing glaze provides a layered look from a single glaze

Beautiful variation in phase separation from piece to piece

Colors can be layered or mixed for additional looks

Easy to apply – similar feel to PCs

Glaze has enough flow to create movement

Texture highlights the spots the glaze produces

The look is reminiscent of Oil Spot glazes

Firing vertically shows movement of glaze; firing flat and applying thicker will increase the size of the spots.

Vivid turquoise with a subtle spot where thick, Teal Drift is a rich, tropical color.
Lunar Pink: •  Pale cool pink with white visual texture where thick. Lunar Pink gives the visual effect caused by the scattering of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere during the moonrise.

Floating Lavender: •  Light purple with lighter visual texture where thick, Floating Lavender is light and airy as a cloud at sunset.

Night Rain: Deep indigo blue with a lighter blue visual texture, reminiscent of a night sky through a rain-spattered window.