The Storehouse New Mexico, was very please with the results of the fundraiser along with members of the committee. On December 5, 2023 we all got together to go over the results of the Albuquerque Empty bowls fundraiser. We went over the survey that the Storehouse New Mexico conducted to improve the fundraiser. We all want next year’s fundraiser to be more successful and improved. A date selected and on the schedule with Saint John’s United Methodist Church for Saturday, September 28, 2024. Let us know your thoughts of the event and click one of the links above to be involved for next year, there are lots of opportunities to help.
We thank the Albuquerque community for your support You raised $20,000 for the Storehouse New Mexico
Local potters are working to bring back Empty Bowls to Albuquerque and
NMPCA is helping to spread the word.
The public is invited to Albuquerque Empty Bowls at St. John’s United Methodist Church at 2626 Arizona St. NE in Albuquerque on Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Handmade bowls made by Albuquerque potters and food donated by area restaurants and food establishments will be provided to reincarnate the popular fundraiser to help alleviate food insecurity in our area. Storehouse New Mexico --a nonprofit community-based food pantry that provides free groceries to people in need-- will benefit from all bowl sales. Tickets will be on sale soon at Storehouse website: $35 includes bowl, soup, bread, dessert, drink. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Albuquerque Empty Bowls, the event, is Albuquerque’s version of the grassroots movement by artists and craftspeople in cities and towns around the world to raise money for food related charities to care for and feed the hungry in their communities (
Get involved Throwing Parties To be announded
New Mexico Clay - Throwing Party a Great Success 80 bowls thrown 2023
Coyote Clay Member Only Throwing Party -
Creativity Warehouse
1950 Juan Tabo Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Wheel throwers and hand builders are both welcome.